Strawberry Pie

Do you have a sweet tooth? Don’t you love digging desserts? With Christmas approaching, we are all looking for some of the best ways to cook the sweetest delights. So, if you are looking to cook some amazing dish and at the same time, you are skeptical of sugar content, calorie and diabetes, I am here to help.

This recipe is so presented that even if you have a diabetic guest coming up or even if you are figure conscious and don’t want to pile up extra flab; this is one way to relish a dessert without putting up too much sugar. Thank you sugar free natura for making this happen!

Strawberry pie

With Christmas all set to come, why not enjoy the season with the best pie which is sure to leave you asking for more.


  • 24 ounces of fresh strawberries
  • 0.6 ounces of sugar free strawberry flavoured jell –O
  • 2.1 ounces of sugar free vanilla pudding mix
  • 2 cups of water
  • Sugar free Natura


  1. Take the strawberries and rinse and hull them in a pan.
  2. Make sure to sprinkle some sugar free natura to get the right amount of sweetness.
  3. Take a saucepan and add pudding mix along with gelatine mix and water.
  4. Stir it well and bring the mixture to boil.
  5. Pour the mixture on the strawberries and refrigerate it for 6 hours.
  6. Top it with whipped topping.
  7. Serve.


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